the face of the earth!! I have been having a pretty darn good summer. I can't even remember when or what I posted last..(I just had to know once I typed that when it was I last posted.) I can't believe I haven't posted since June 9.... Well OK I sure can believe it I lied.
Here are some of the highlights of my summer via photos:
Father's Day was in June and the kids and I got Don a new grill here they are humoring me and "supposedly" looking at it in awe.
Kayla turned 22 (who told that child she could grow up??) It was a nice laid back evening with good cake and ice cream!
We made stuffed shells for the first time... well Kay and Don did... they were super yummy!!
My niece graduated from the same high school her mother and I both graduated from..
June was a fun month... it was also filled with lots of graduation parties... funny thing about those... we keep saying wow we don't have any this year... and every year we end up being invited to a least few. I also practiced some glass etching and have gotten better at it. I've also been working on the photography thing too.
July had all the festivities it always has... the 4th which we came home from camping on... it was a fun 3 days camping with my SIL and her family...
and of course the movie New Moon came out which was a must see.... so we all went while we were camping...
July was also a bit stressful because my beauty shop inspector called luckily I wasn't able to see him he said he would be back the following Tue so we spent the weekend getting everything up to code and then some... I recovered the chairs and painted their metal all black,,, no pics of this but it looks great, was very stressful but worth it. Then we took Kay down to Philly to meet her BF and Don and I took some time to reconnect and enjoy just being a couple again... we went to Valley Forge and did a Ghost walk in Gettysburg. It was a great weekend... her are some reenactors from VF and the dressed tour guides in Gettysburg...
That was the fun filled July.
August was fairly uneventful just worked in the beauty shop and apparently I didn't take any photos... LOL
As Sept. is coming to a close rather quickly I can't believe how fast this summer went but it was a good one and thankfully all the old folks are still hanging in there,,, only a bit worse for wear, as Mom's knee is now full of arthritis and she is mostly in a wheelchair now for a while I was going out to their house and giving Mom a bath every Wed. but it got a bit hard on me with everything else I had going on and it was just all tooo overwhelming. So I have left it in Dad's hands and I keep telling myself I'm not worrying about it!!!!
I asked my hubby yesterday how his day was, to which he replied not much every changes... and I said,,, well that is a good thing at least nothing bad is happening!!! Sooo all and all it was a good summer!!
I'm sincerely hoping that I won't wait this long again to post. I hope you enjoyed my summer in photos!!!